Geotechnical Observations use wireless monitoring systems such as Ackcio, RST and WorldSensing to transmit data. Our choice of what system to use is determined by the specific site conditions.
Battery powered Nodes take periodic readings from a wide variety of sensors and transmit them to a Gateway, where they are uploaded to Geodaisy® for analysis and interpretation. Systems that make direct communication between the nodes and a gateway are know as Star or LoRa systems and those that communicate with the gateway through other nodes are known as Mesh systems. Multi-hop wireless mesh networks are available and can make it possible to conveniently monitor large areas without multiple gateways. The table below shows some typical characteristics. It is important to check the site layout for obstacles before deciding on the preferred system.
Wireless systems are ideal for the kind of projects that Geotechnical Observations specialise in. Data from our flushable piezometers, vibrating wire piezometers, ShapeArrays and tilt sensors can be collected and transmitted to our Geodaisy® web-platform for analysis and interpretation.
These photos, taken by our Monitoring Technician Jacob Hamshere show a project where we installed Measurand ShapeArray_Extend, our flushable piezometers and wireless tilt sensors. Everything is connected using wireless nodes and streamed to our web platform Geodaisy for analysis and interpretation. We are also monitoring noise and vibration at this site.
To find out more about our measurements use the following links:
— Software